breathing slowly.


less is by nat.

The deer smell became more potent, luring the dangerous predator to follow the almost musical trail of their scent. Alessandra's tongue snaked out and wiped her muzzle delicately before slipping back inside her maw, already salivating. She did not miss the erratic behavior of the elk, but ignored it as her present company spoke. His flattery was unexpected and she allowed a small smile to stain her bleached maw, pleased at his kindness. Each minute that she spent in his company pleasant and she could definitely see herself becoming friends with this fellow Salsolan. Her tail began slowly wagging as they walked and she didn't even mind him asking about her idiot sister, she would make something up to tell him. " We are not especially close, her and I. I had some news I felt she should know about our parents. That is a tale for another day though. " She replied, deciding to go with the more truthful route.

Alessandra wasn't sure how she felt about Emmanuelle. She still felt that the girl was a freak, the bi-colored eyes she carried a stain on the family heritage. She was always the weaker sibling, and she blamed Emma for how her father abused her. It was all her fault, and she would pay. One day. Less would have to find her and then figure it out from there. However she did not let these thoughts come to her face, and her expression remained passive. The elk stopped and Less turned to observe the altercation between the animal and Reykr, watching silently. It would appear that Val had sensed other deer and she smiled as Reykr pointed this out, giving her a nickname she had never heard before. Somewhere deep inside her heart, she felt a flicker. However, it didn't have time to fester before she began stalking in the direction Reykr pointed, her mind entranced with the thought of food.

Her being turned feral, and Reykr followed behind her quietly, letting her take the lead. Her tracking senses kicked in and she moved herself lower to the ground, slinking along. After a few minutes of traveling this way the pair happened upon a clearing where a peaceful herd of white tail were grazing, undisturbed. The warrior princess was just figuring out which way to attack from when she noticed a familiar musky scent that hung over the deer. Nary a moment later and the herd's heads poked up, looking in a different direction then the pair were situated. Alessandra found this strange, and inhaled deeply again to try and place the scent. She didn't have much time before the herd turned tail and ran in a surprised fashion past the canines, completely ignoring their presence. What the hell?

She looked at Reykr, wondering what warrented the strange behavior from the herd when she saw it. It saw them as well, and stood up on its hind legs in the middle of the clearing. Alessandra's eyes widened, not daring to take her eyes off of it for a moment lest it charge while she wasn't looking. The black bears nose twitched as it appraised the predators warily, sizing the two luperci up. It let out a bellowing roar as it stepped forward, landing heavily back onto all fours. " Reykr, I think we have a problem. " Alessandra said, the tense tone of her voice cracking slightly. Slowly she took the bow off of her back and notched it with an arrow, beginning to circle around the large animal. With a grunt the bear charged towards the two of them, but within the next few minutes they would find out if it were a fake charge or the real deal.

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