Simple Design

The faded colors of the house she settled in were more vibrant than the crumbling house next to hers. She almost felt pride until she realized it wasn't really her home, but borrowed shelter. Her exploring of the area had left her a bit saddened with no signs of real life. There were only the few she had met, including the little Arkham who seemed glad to be away from her. There were skeletons in her closet that still had things to say and haunted her current life. She was dealing with them slowly but the fog still hung around her, blurring the edges of reality with that of her past-inspired dream world. The only thing that really helped were the long walks she struck out on when the walls of her home became to claustrophobic for her liking. It was getting time for one of those walks.

Her normal outings put her into the forest and deeper into unexplored places, but she had neglected to explore the city in which her crumbling little blue house was nestled. There was large evil looking rod iron spikes off in the distance, bent in strange contortions, but ahead was a little island of trees. It looked strange compared to the bleak, sharp lines of the collapsing world. Her eyes wandered over the edges of the trees, and she found herself drawn to it. A small forest was better than the evil metal twists in the distance. As she got closer, she noticed the lines of fences around the bursting forest and the strange alien objects with the sun bleached colors through the high grass and autumn ridden leaves. Moved around the perimeter leisurely, taking in the scenery and the mystery of the objects. She noticed were the fence was damaged ahead with a tree laying down across it, making an easy way to cross into the mystery. The red ghost jumped over into the park, pushing through the underbrush until it cleared.

The strange objects smelled odd. There wasn't a proper label to place on the smell they had. Her curiosity put her nose everywhere she could reach, circling and nudging. It was hard and cold, but not like that of metal. As the wind picked up there was the strong smell of wolf, and she looked up, spotting him sitting on a bench near where the little paths met and left the fenced area. Her ears perked, up in surprise. How long had he been there watching? She tilted her head questioningly, How long have you been there, and are you friendly? Keeping in mind the things little Arkham had said.

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