You think you are complicated deep mystery to all
She was taking a nap, enjoying the time that the pups were asleep. They were starting to sleep longer and not needing to nurse as much. They were also starting eat regurgitated meat and hopefully would soon be fully weaned. The owl that she had taken in was doing a lot better and wasn’t as afraid of her and her family. It seemed to realize that Ayasha wasn’t going to eat it and was its source of food and care.

Speaking of pups, Liam didn’t seem upset about her taking in Alaki's pups, not that he knew they were his. The Angelo had made her promise to not tell anyone whose pups they were; just that she was caring for them as a favor for him. But she didn’t have them yet so she wasn’t too worried about it. Her nap was actually rather nice and she woke up rather refreshed and in a good mood.

She heard some noise and then the voice of her mate came to her and she said that she'd be there in a moment, first grabbing the pups who were awake and needed her. She then had one in each arm as she left their bedroom and went into the larger main room. She saw him packing and became a bit worried and curious. "Liam? What's going on?" She wondered if he was going somewhere and where he was going and how long he'd be gone.

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