taming the sea
Ookami listened to Tharin closely. He felt like conversation would help squeeze away the awkward feelings. He smiled at Tharin lightly, "You must be very good then." There was no sarcasm or spiteness in his voice, only sencerity. When Ookami was asked he bit his lip for a moment. He didn't want to speak too much about his specialty, but he always told the whole story.

"I am a hunter. I was the largest in my birthpack, so I was forced to hunt for the whole pack. I got quite good at it, I could bring down a moose at one point, but since being here I haven't had to hunt as much, so my skills kind of got weak. Actually, it was hunting how I got these injuries. I let my guard down for a moment, and a whole herd of moose attacked me. Also I sing, but it's been a while since I've done that too.." Even since he stopped spending time with Jace, his singing wants had lessened. Jace was his partner in singing and he had lost intrest in it really.

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