Five Fingers, Five Toes
OOC: Long post sorry and sorry I took so long. >.< / +1000

Titania's touch was doing it's job and soothing the distraught wolfess as they sat near the beautiful lake, side by side. Fayne could feel her company's gaze burning onto her as she looked down at her hands, the blade of grass becoming increasingly smaller as she ripped and folded it with human-like fingers. She really had never talked to anyone about the origins of these tears, or her lost family. Noah was the only one who knew of her brother and sisters who were somewhere here in 'Souls making their own life. He also knew about Ezreal and how she'd left them at a young age, the very reason why the silver wolf had below average hunting skills. Even so, she looked up to her sister, only a small amount of distaste lingering for being left behind.

The thoughts continued and eventually the blades of grass she'd been working between her fingers were nearly gone. Her eyes had nowhere else to look other than to Titania who still gazed in her direction yearning for their eyes to meet. Their shoulders bumped together, a small smile breaking through the sadness on her feminine features. With a sigh, Fayne turned to meet the full moon gaze of her Alphess. Her eyes were subtle and soothing, all she wanted was to comfort her pack sister and Fayne saw that. She gave another sigh. This was difficult for her. She knew Titania was curious to know where those tears came from and the silver fae would end up telling her. She could trust anyone in this pack, the Alpha and Alphess were on the top of that list. They were here to protect and guide the ones they lead. There was something that Fayne had just realized. She found herself hesitating in trusting the silver and russet female even though she knew she could. Because of Drosnav and his malicious ways, turning on his family. No, she had to ignore this feeling. It was only a remnant of the past she wished to forget, and she should just forget it.

Tender words followed their eyes locking and Fayne didn't look away as much as she wanted to. Weakness and fright were the staples of her emotional make-up these days. It was nice knowing she has such loving leaders. Another smile cracked on her dark lips and she nodded, her plush tail thumping slightly behind her. Things have been very tough lately. My way of thinking has been changing each day and it confuses me. This world confuses me. Her eyes shifted back to her hands as she turned them over to stare at her palms. There were creases where her hands and fingers bent, much like scars. She meshed her hands together before placing them at her side not wanting to think to hard about their uses. She turned back to Titania as she spoke once more, her advice was true. Even though we try to be...I try to be. I'm not sure where I would be right now if I hadn't found New Dawn. Even with the overwhelming feeling of uselessness, her family had kept her strong and moving forward. She was a lucky wolf.

Her Alphess's optime arm was lifted from her back and placed on her arm. Curious eyes watched as she traced the length of her own arm and down to her hand which she took hold of. She could feel the warmth of Titania's hand when they came together. She didn't hesitate, but simply twitched in ear not quit understanding what the meaning of holding hands was, but she didn't mind it. Emerald eyes gazed down at the two wolfish hands in her lap before looking over at Titania with a smile, her head tilting slightly as the wolfess spoke up once more. Titania had noticed something else was wrong, there was no escaping it now. Her eyes darted away as she listened, knowing she'd have to spill the beans to her leader and friend. Fayne gave a small huff of a laugh and stared at the ground again with a smile. Can't hide anything from you, you're keen. The smile retreated as she continued. I've never really talked about it to anyone. It's just always been there, lingering, torturing me. It's the reason why I've grown afraid of this strange form and of others that use this form for vile reasons. Like Amy. A small snarl formed on her lips, she hated that bitch. She turned back to her company, ready to confess.

I know I can trust you, even if my heart wants to say otherwise, my instincts know best. A deep inhale and exhale started her confession. Before I came here, I lived up north with my blood family, the pack I was born in. We lived there for a long time, untouched by this virus. It was paradise. She couldn't help but grin in memory of her true home. Things went bad though, the virus finally reached us and for some of us, it was too much to handle. Our Alpha was among these wolves. The silver fae shook her head, recalling his harsh reaction. The virus drove him to insanity and he turned on his family. Fayne froze, all the memories of the battles they had flashing through her mind. A shiver ran down her spine, tail raising. After that, he tore us into two halves and waged war against us driving us to run. I can remember that night. Seeing my family dying in front of me and being useless to stop it. The sadness grew intense on her face, brow furrowing and eyes becoming moist. So we ran and I came here. It was a short version, Titania could ask question and fill in gaps if she wanted.

So now when I shift. All I can remember is Drosnav's face, lips curled back in hate for his own family and I remember the losses. So many lives gone. Her free hand was clenched into a fist, a human action that was appropriate for the emotion. This form is a reminder of what I detest and until now I've kept it locked away...except for those strong urges that I couldn't ignore. That was only half of what was causing all these emotions. Now, she was coming to terms with the feelings that accompany the shift in order to become an asset to her family. It had to be done. Lupus form was only good for so many things.

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