Wake Up Call

Word Count → 425

The panicked woman shrieked at his voice. He realized the sight of him may not have been the most welcome at this time and turned his face so only the unmarred side of it was visible to her. She did not need to see his grisly ravaged flesh, and he shifted uncomfortably. This really wasn’t his strongest suit, but he was there for her, nonetheless. His left ear twitched to hear her words while the other swiveled about, trying to detect any hint of approach. His hackles remained raised and his pelt was puffed up along his neck and spine. He stood over her protectively, legs spread wide, and head low with ears erect. She regained herself in the moments that followed, seemingly relieved by his presence. Her words made no sense to him, but he did his best to listen. Her chest continued to heave and tears spilled from her eyes. He lowered his head to ruffle the fur of her neck and lap abruptly at the salty liquid.

When the sound of approaching steps reached his ears the bi-colored brute wheeled on the newcomer with a snarl. Yellow eyes met green a moment just at all his senses came to recognize the face of his Alpha. His gaze dropped immediately, but his wide, aggressive stance did not lessen, though became decidedly less dominant. “Alpha, she is wounded. She was saying something about…an…” His brows furrowed as he strained to recall the bitch’s name. “Amy.” He growled, “and a pup…something about a pup.”

He turned his head to face beyond, trailing the gaze of his Alpha. “I smell nothing, whoever they are, they have not crossed the borders…not yet.” His eyes narrowed as a shadow moved, but it was nothing but a small critter. “What do you wish me to do?” An ear twitched as yet another came to Fayne’s aid. The scarred silver male Noah came towards them with a strange leather contraption slung around him. The tundra wolf was not sure of his feelings towards the man, he only remembered the event of his punishment and brief exile, but he respected his mother a great deal. He was also no longer an Omega, so he allotted him an amount of respect. The tenderness in the male’s pale eyes Augustus recognized immediately and he backed away from the female to stand at Zalen’s side, his body brushing the sable wolf’s as a vote of confidence and show of support. Whatever had to be done he would like to be there to do it.

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