I'm Not Perfect

She smelled Taliesin and then saw him as well as Myrddin approach. She gasped as Myrddin ran to the beast's side - "Myrddin! That is a dangerous beast! It could kill you!" she said, shocked that the boy would run up to a creature like this, and perhaps even more shocked that Taliesin seemed to be doing nothing to stop it. She took a step forward, about to scoop Myrddin out of harm's way, before the tiger spoke, asking her not to harm it.

She stared for a few seconds; the tiger could speak? Before she said or did anything else, it continued with its short speech, telling of how he had met Dalgina and her sister here in Cercatori d'Arte. Dalgina had made friends with a tiger...? She at first thought it a sort of trap before a memory surged to Skye's mind:

There, right there, was an enormous grizzly bear, her shaggy hair hanging off her body and her nose sniffling as if she'd just sneezed. "I-I'm so sorry, I just haven't seen another wolf in a while and--"

"Er...it's okay," Skye began, not exactly sure what to say in this situation. "This isn't my territory or anything. In fact, I don't think it's anyone's territory." She looked behind her at the sopping wet t-shirt and then back to the bear. "Sorry about before...it's just, I've never really seen a bear before, and..."

She, too, had befriended a creature before, one arguably even more dangerous than this tiger; Malachi, the bear. She had been harmless - a friend. She looked at the tiger - its wound was more serious than she initially thought. The tiger hadn't harmed Myrddin..

"Come with me, then," she said to the tiger and Taliesin, considerably warmer than before. "That should be treated before it gets worse." She began to lead them into Cercatori d'Arte territory; the tiger seemed not to be a threat, but she'd be kidding herself if she said she wasn't going to keep an extremely close eye on it. She then turned back to see Myrddin before she continued further.

"And you," she said sternly. "You should never run up to a strange, dangerous creature - whether you think it's friendly or not," she said, hoping to drive home the immense danger that he had placed himself in. What if the tiger hadn't been friendly? She turned to Taliesin, still slightly astonished that he hadn't stopped his son from running up to the extremely dangerous creature, but that was a conversation for another time.

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