[M] ten million fireflies

WC:: 423 OOC:: It better be! ;P

Palaydrian waded through the flowers, brushing the tips of her fingers across their faces and all the while humming a tune of old to herself. She loved Sunset Meadow and knew she wasn’t alone with this same sentiment as she and Fayne had spoken about this place of wonder and beauty. Drin had found an immediate attachment to this part of the packlands as many of the flowers that grew in her garden were from this area. She found it easy to transport soil and root from this place and into her garden far and much more successful than moving plants from out of New Dawns into the woods. The angel was lost in her thoughts as she weaved through the tall stalks of plants, still keeping an eye out for her love when she felt the familiarity of his touch on her body.

The woman smiled and let a laugh huff out from her nares as the hybrid’s hands covered her eyes and bruise free face. Hmm...I have no idea who it could possibly be! She exclaimed with a chuckle before her “blindfold” was removed and she was facing him. Oh my! She let out her own mock surprise to match his before dropping the act and practically jumping forward to embrace him. Mmmm Jiva, she sighed into his neck allowing her arms to slide around his back. Promise to never let me go, Drin said, lips moving against his fur as she breathed in her favorite version of “home”.

I’m sad you’re leaving me tomorrow...she revealed as she pulled back a little bit from him so her sparkling eyes could meet his. The man in her arms had been with her since she had woken up from the nightmare that was Aram and she was afraid to let him go. What if the crazed coyote came back for her? What if he went after Jiva and Titania? What if what if what if? All these thoughts and conclusions could drive the woman mad, but she knew it was highly unlikely. Her love would only be gone for a few days, and maybe she could surprise him with something herself upon his return home. Still the woman’s heart ached and she feared for what her dreams would bring without the protection of Jiva curled around her at night. The woman felt silly, but at such a thought, tears began to well in her eyes.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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