What's up with that hippie hat
Word Count :: 439 Grace is way too friendly xD Although i'll warn you now, she can and will insult/get sarcastic without warning Smile

It has been a few days now since she had relocated to Vinatta, making her home in Jordheim and so far she was aware of only one particular neighbour of whom she longed to interact; the other houses had appeared vacant as far as the golden women was aware. Approaching she soon sighted a woman who from where the Risna stood appeared roughly around the same age as the golden librarian. Picking her feet up she closed more of the distance between her self and the women, stopping at a polite distance where both parties could comfortably communicate with each other, ocean eyes turning from the woman onto her companions, noticeably the stunning example of a draft horse; the breed name she had learnt from reading books shortly after taking Mai on as her own and encountering problems with the untrained paint mate.

When her greeting was returned she slumped her hip to the side, a sly, easy going smile spreading across black lips, the woman’s posture not dominant but held with self assurance. “I'm Grace. Grace D'Angelo. I'm your neighbour, my house” she twisted her upper body so that she faced back in the direction she had come from, looking toward the green mound of a house she now called home “is that one” he waved her hand in the general indicated direction before turning back to the woman. “And thanks. They are a pain to maintain but the most definitely help to make conversation and draw attention” she responded cheerfully, proud of her irritable dreads. “If you like 'em I can do your hair for you at some point? Did one of the girls hair back in my old pack and with the library not up yet I find myself with a rather lot of free time. Plus it's only good to get my face out with the new pack and all” she added, chuckling briefly at the end. “I've got dyes and stuff lying around, so if you ever wanna try something out, just knock on my door. Seriously, I am starting to think I may die of boredom around here” lips pulled back to flash the woman a toothy grin.

“And I gotta say, he is stunning and seemingly so well behaved” she spoke whilst looking at the horse with open wonder and jealousy, “My Mai is outright horrid; she's the paint in the stable area. If you wanna come out in one piece, don't go near her” she warned, “And sorry if i'm talking a lot. Kinda been holed up in my house sorting stuff out so i'm kinda... deprived of socialization I suppose”

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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