[M] Fifty Shades of Black
OOC: [WC: 802 || Pts: 7

Malakai's crafty gaze remained settled upon this female before him as brightness burned in her expression when she heard he would allow her to tug down the zipper of his pants. It was a test. Would she still do as she was told, even under such tempting circumstances? Kai's breathing picked up a little with every inch closer her hand moved to him, and then, as their eyes locked for that brief, wonderful moment, she would see just how eager and hungry he was for her. She would hear it in his heavy, lust-filled snort as a rush of air escaped him, the exquisite feeling of that zipper being pulled down, releasing what had been bound so tightly in his jeans. The moment he sprang from the material, the urge once more flooded through his veins, just to take her, especially as her hand lingered close to him.

But she resisted in touching him. Part of him was so utterly pleased with her, but the other part of him desperately wanted her to grip him tightly in her hand, because then he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. His eyes fell to watch her hand reluctantly return to its previous resting place, locking with the other above her head, but he saw the way her eyes hovered over his length as it bobbed with his shallow breaths. God, she was so breath-takingly beautiful as she lay there before him obediently, as he had asked, and he had never wanted her more. When she cried out for him to reward her good behaviour, all sorts of dark, twisted things ran through his mind, all sorts of images, all sorts of positions... But with all the will he could muster, Kai closed his eyes for a mere second, waiting for them to fade, before he looked down at her again, only to find that she too had her eyes averted to the ceiling. Perfect.

His muzzle opened in a silent snarl, as if desperately trying to release this almighty tension building within him, as if it was growing too strong for his body. She would hear his frustrated snorts, and she would know that this was torturing him, too. Tugging down the shorts that were now loose, it took him only a few seconds to shift enough to kick them from his form, keeping them by the mattrass, though. They needed to be within easy reach. Now for her reward. His dark, feral gaze swept down her form once more, reaching to trail his hand from the base of her neck, down her torso, over her stomach and abdomen, pressing it there for a moment or so - it was one of his favourite parts of her, it seemed, before his hand once more slid down between her thighs. His fingertip brushed against her enterence, her wetness already evident to his touch, and he had to surpress a lustful growl. His voice was low and husky when he spoke to her. "I think I will reward us both..." His eyes watched her features, watching her reaction as he gently eased his fingertip against her enterence, applying the smallest amount of pressure needed to enter her, gently sliding his finger within her, made easy with her arousal, coating his finger in her juices. His finger curled inside of her, making something of a 'come hither' motion, touching her inner walls expertly, only to withdraw, pulling out of her as slowly as he entered. Lifting his hand, his eyes drifted to see his fingertip glistening with her and he couldn't resist but let his tongue lap at it, taking her taste from his finger, a quick snort escaping his muzzle. "Axelle, your taste is... divine. I can't wait to have a proper taste of you."

He loved watching her squirm beneath his attentions, but with every moment that passed, he felt the urgency in him build, his member throbbing maddingly, matching his rapid heartbeat, and as much as he wanted to, he knew his resolve wouldn't last too much longer. He wanted to draw this out for hours, but his desire, his absolute need for her was just too strong. Shifting his body once more to between her thighs, facing her, his whole body lowered down, and admiring her close up, Malakai's muzzle brushed against her wetness, taking another big inhale of her scent, letting it heighten every sense he had, before his tongue snaked its way to lap at her. Immediatly, his body tensed and shuddered as her wetness tingled against his tongue and he knew he had to have more, and so boldly, his tongue eased its way into her the same way his finger had done moments ago, twisting and rolling and probing within her, his nose brushing against her eagerly.

Table and Siggy by Sammiie; Photo by Diana Pinto@flickr

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