Far from home
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Her ears were patiently trained on the lead of the small family, absorbing his story with the intention of fabricating a mental image of the life and trials this young family endured. For a wolf, she was quite migratory, but then he had introduced himself as a merchant of sorts. From what she understood of that lot, it was not uncommon to move from place to place, like the Nomads but with the purpose of exchanging wares as opposed to shifting camping grounds during allotting seasons. She could only imagine the emotional strain it had caused on his family, parting only to return to a home lacking a mate. But her façade was not of pity, but of quiet assessment, listening and weighing above all else.

Anathema and Casa raised her brows with interest as it had been a while since she heard the familiar names of those packs. In her mind’s eye, she recalled Alaki and his mouthy companion and the company of birds that had accompanied them on their meeting. And in thinking of Casa, she thought of Jazper, the towering Knight her eyes had long since seen and whom a part of her heart missed dearly. He had been kind to allow her time within the stone walls of his domain, but it was a shame she could not return the favor at the time. Perhaps in due time the kindred spirits would be joined again in elatedly, to rekindle that excitement found in another that held similar soul. But it would be by the will of her ancestors, when they felt the time was opportune.

Her thoughts had strayed only a little ways, but managed to bring her back to the inquisition at hand. Eventually he confessed his purpose here was for the young female for a reason the Issor could only assume was to give the youth purpose. It was a kind intention, but not without its drawbacks. The history of coming and going lead the Alphess to believe that the male before her would do just the same. To travel with business was different but to leave with an ulterior purpose was an aspect this family did not stand for. However…

“Sangi’lak can be a home to the both of you… but not without abiding by the expectations of its members. We are a family, and intend to keep the dynamic as such. No one member is exempt from their responsibilities and must actively partake to ensure the family can prosper as a whole.” The woman raised her paw, then set it down hard in emphasis that these expectations were non-negotiable. “Regardless of your position in the family, you may be called to hunt not just for yourself, but for us all. You are asked to get to know your family members, to bond with them and train with them to better your natural skills so that you will be able to protect them as well as yourself. And above all…” Passively her gaze swept over the faces of the small family, even to the cubs nestled against the young female. “…you care for your family above all else. Sangi’lak is that family. Can you… and will you uphold these expectations?”

537 words.


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