
silly booooys

Silvano felt his lips tighten at what the man had said. If any of the boys interested in his sisters had touched them in a way they didn't like or made them run off forever, he would have found them and attacked them much like that man had with Niro. Except he would have probably would have brought cutting weapons and slit the man's throat so that he could never touch another woman ever again. But then, Silvano knew he would have given himself more problems than just the knowledge a man had run off his family and hurt them. He desperately wanted to believe that he was not heartless enough to kill without remorse, but he knew that if such a thing happened, he might not have ever felt sorry for the man he hurt in revenge for his sibling's suffering.

The Sadira sighed, rubbing anxiously at the back of his neck. "I killed during the war, too. I was interested in a girl and things were rough between us.. but.. I saw her run off from the manor. And someone tried to take her. So I killed him without thinking." It was only the partial truth, as he had not seen Giselle taken, but had Tux come and get him. At least this made him seem a little more heroic and Giselle a little less silly. It would have been out of place to explain who Tux was and what the deal was with him. "Must have done something right? She's my mate now," he added, a goofy smile popping up on his face like some lovestruck pup. "Keeping her safe is.. it's really important to me."

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