Bears to Eat

When the cobra runs for her life, she goes like a whip-lash flicked across a horse's neck.

Apparently it's a really common myth, so I don't blame you, haha! Anyway, Skoll is a nut and we can end this soon. Big Grin

The bear was assaulted by a cacophony of doggish barks and ’yotish yaps, but its roar shook the trees and almost made the pale hybrid stumble. His tail, normally flagged high, had instinctually tucked underneath his white belly—one less target for the beast to tear off. He continued to bark obnoxiously, blood from the moose meat and the bear coloring his bottom jaw red. His bark increased in pitch to a strangled yelp as he felt the bear’s claws just inches from his rump, but he kept hauling ass in circles around the clearing like a madman. Out of the corner of an eye, he saw Terra gain purchase on the grizzly’s back, and he let out more yips of encouragement and excitement. Once terrified by the idea of attacking the monster, he was completely caught up in the moment now.

Eventually, the large animal swung away, not without a bellow of anger. Skoll took his place at his friend and teacher’s side as she darted back and forth at the creature to keep it moving, adding a few loud barks and growls of his own. When the creature disappeared through the foliage, he burst into sudden laughter then whirled, jumping at Terra in pure exhilaration, forgetting about the meat.

This was fun!

Rikki-tikki knew that he must catch her, or all the trouble would begin again.

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons

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