

Black pupils amidst glorious sunsets focused on the light curl of the woman’s lips, but that was all that revealed his notice of her initial response to his appearance. Strangers should tread lightly around the lands of Salsola, but Itachi was rarely a hostile creature to stumble upon unless he judged the other to be a threat.

No name was given, but she revealed the reasons for being there. Acceptable. He had encountered far worse individuals, and the woman made no errors. Trips to Freetown were not rare for the Salsolan people, but it was rare for him to encounter travelling traders. He found himself empty handed at the moment, but there were a few precious objects in the den he shared with China that he thought could be of value, as similar items had been accepted gracefully in the free city.

”What do you have to offer?” the man calmly wondered, now stepping closer to the woman and the wagon, as a dialogue had begun. Her wares were not on free display at this time, so he would need her good will to discover what he could obtain through trade. Perhaps she would be unwilling as long as he didn’t currently carry any valuables with him. Then again, what was the point in going to and fro if he was only to discover that she had nothing he desired?

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