[J]Paws Failed
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ooc: DIG IN!

  • Setting: Dusk
  • Location: Evan'ule Reserve
  • Form: Optime

  • There was no longer resistance, only the compliance of a fatigued form void of all its strength. She was not glad for this condition, but was content in that it allowed her to gentle take the girl without risk of a frantic attempt to escape. Carefully, she looped an arm beneath the small legs and braced her other hand against the dark speckled back and rose to her fullest height. Instinctively she drew the young female close to her chest as she took a hastened stride through the golden wildlands into the territory.

    Her pace was quick but steps were smooth, being careful not to jostle her delicate cargo. With the girl's fears still ringing in her ears, she remained vigilant for a sign of anything foolish enough to cross into marked territory. Such a feat was not unheard of and without knowing what danger holding this young female posed, the Issor could only assume they would attempt to trespass. Once the girl was safe, she would make certain to make the others of the pack aware to ensure they all remained on alert. But her priority remained in tending to the girl.

    They reached the inner most part of the territory just as the sun slipped behind the form of the mountain. As her eyes adjusted to the twilight hues, she made out the subtle rise of the earth that marked a cache undoubtedly stocked with meat. The scent of meat became stronger affirming her assumptions. Gently, she lowered the girl to rest against the exterior of the small den. "Just a moment." In her present form, she was much too large to dig fully into the den, but will enough to select the meats that were present near the front. She retrieved several dried pieces of smaller meat and a slab still moist from an earlier hunt. While the moistened meat held more of an appeal, she offered the smaller bits but with good reason. "Eat this first," she instructed. "Too much at one time will make you ill. Once it has settled, you may have the fresher meat."

    351 words.

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