[J]Paws Failed
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‘They’ had become faceless in her mind’s eye. A nameless, fearful group that the she-wolf shuddered to think what truly made their whole. The mind could fabricate such terrifying imaged by words alone, and it did well to conjure horrors that her mind would relatively perceive. The young one had called them devils…’bad’… thieves that had stolen her undoubtedly from home. And she dared not ask for what purpose. Not if it surfaced these painful tears by the mere recount of ‘them’.

In matters of comfort, she found herself at a loss of what to do. She could not offer comforting words for what she did not understand, nor could she pledge to rid the youth of her troubles if she could not perceive them. She could only offer herself as a soft pillar to cry on. A kind of warmth and strength until the fragile form within her arms became stable again and calm. But it felt as though her trembling would not cease in the present moment. And she was quite fine with that.

But the danger of what she could not see remained. If they were truly looking for her, then her scent crossing the border would undoubtedly be noticed. She needed a place to hide until the Issor could remedy the situation; she needed sanctuary above all else.

“Until I know what is coming,” the Alpha began softly, “all I can offer you is a place to stay within the lands. And until you are willing… until you are strong enough to tell me more, my protection is conditional. You are not to leave my sight unless told otherwise. This is not only for your protection, but for my Family as well. If you can abide by these conditions, then I will make certain that none will take you away…”

304 words.


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