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  • Setting: Too early to be awake. July 1
  • Location: Alpha's Chambers
  • Form: Secui + early morning roughness

  • She slept like the dead. Unmoving and silent. Little more than the soft whisper of breath would leave her flared nostrils as she slept, the only indication that the large collection of golden fur and autumn mane was truly alive. While the sense remained awake, her mind had long since drifted on into the dreaming realm, enjoying a fanciful memory of her time among her family. She would not whine with glee in her sleep or turn within her pile of furs as she danced in dream. She remained still upon her belly with head resting atop folded limbs.

    Her ears did not so much as twitch when her companion returned from his trip. Though the sound was enough to awaken her new charge, the beast slept on, exhaling a long sigh in the midst of dream when words graced her ears. There was panic she believed was found in dream and pushed the would-be danger aside to continue wandering down the paths of her member. Then came the shaking, persistence and hard pulling the she-wolf from her unfinished dream. But it was such a nice dream…

    Heavily weighed by the veils of sleep, she was very slow to react to the panicked shakes against her person. It was what her ears gathered that then jerked her to attention. Hastily, she scrambled to her feet tossing down the heavy pelts and setting her impressive form as a barrier between herself and the young jackal. Her eyes were still unseeing, but her nostrils were flared and ears tuned to the sounds of the chamber. She blinked several times to bring her eyes to focus but saw only one shape, one of familiar height coupled with an alluring scent as she gave an inquisitorial whiff. “Oh…Jaden. Good morning…” the woman sighed as the gathered panic abruptly ebbed and left her drained. For measure she glanced around the interior of the chamber making certain it was only hers and Jaden’s scents she noted, as well as the little being hiding behind her.

    “Sira…” the woman sighed, fighting off the morning yawn she had been robbed of. “…you are not in danger.” Taking a rather sound seat in front of the girl for safe measure, she gestured with a lazily drawn paw to the male still standing shocked. “He is my fellow leader. This is Jaden, Sira… he is not here to hurt you.”

    400 words.

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