Paranoid Borders

Her ears flicked forwards as he spoke. He probably hadn't meant to frighten her. Probably hadn't even meant for her to pick up his presence at all. Terra was positive that he would have just killed her and left her body on the borders, only the simple traps she'd set up helping to prevent that from happening. Unfortunately he dodged her attack, leaving her exposed. Crouching low she growled, wishing that she hadn't decided to try and attack him. Now she was out here with him, where he could harm her and she wouldn't be able to prevent it. Their eyes met, only soft surprise meeting the burning fear that ran through her frame.

Seeing him change to a submissive pose soothed her worries slightly, Terra's pose as dominant as she could force it. She listened as he plead his case, claiming that he would never attack the pack. As soon as the brown wolf's eyes shifted up she snapped at the air before him. She didn't like the interest he held in the borders. Was he measuring it's strength? The alpha himself patrolled daily. He wouldn't find any here. Her ears flattened back at the last part. Just came to help? There was nothing to help with. I'm fine. The only source of 'distress' in my life is you. She did her best to sound fierce, but the panic wasn't fading. She was still scared.

Photo by Law_Kevin@flickr

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