[M] Not how the gods intended.
wc: 557

Her protests were cut off as he bellowed in her face, spittle flying from his slavering lips to spatter in her face. His powerful fist slammed into her chest, causing her to squeal in agony. The blow to her ribs knocked the wind from her, and she gasped, struggling to draw each breath. She was already dizzied from hitting the ground, and this flurry of abuse was causing her to shut down, withdrawing into the recesses of her mind. Just moments earlier, she had been wishing a packmate would come and save her; now she hoped fervently that no one would ever see the humiliation she was submitting to, letting this hulking male run his hands all over her frail body.

The dog caught her bruised wrists, pinning her arms back above her head where she could not free them. She trembled all over with dread, teeth chattering in fear, recognizing what was about to happen to her. She could do nothing to stop this. He was going to violate her, or kill her if she resisted -- perhaps he would kill her when he finished anyway, bloodlust overtaking his twisted mind. The desire in his black eyes intensified as he snarled at her, invoking a tiny whimper from her, a wordless plea for him not to. His hips slammed forward, mercilessly driving into her.

She cried out, back arcing involuntarily, toes curling at his rough entry. It hurt; she had not taken by a man in years, and it felt as though he was tearing her open. The fight ebbed out of her with every piercing thrust, her body growing numb and compliant. She had already lost; he was deep in her already, grunting with animal pleasure, engulfing her with his massive body. She kept her eyes closed and her head turned to one side, not wanting to stare up at his cruel face and watch the pleasure he was deriving from her horror. Instead, her mind was elsewhere; she was a year old again, living alone in that cabin in the woods, her father staring at her with that unstable gleam in his eyes... In mere moments she was on the floor, fur matted slick with her own blood, beaten within an inch of her life. And then she felt the heat between her legs, the pounding rhythm, the slippery friction she was experiencing in the present, unable to distinguish what was memory and what was actually happening.

Haku had raped her then, just as she was being raped now. It had shattered her personality, leaving her the fearful shell of a wolf she was now. It had ruined her for healthy relationships, making her unable to trust or open up to another lest they hurt her the way he had. And yet... in some sick way, Haku had done one thing in her favor; his brutal abuse then had prepared her for this. She could never fear this sex-starved dog the way she feared that monster. Her jaws parted, and she began faintly laughing, trembling weakly from the exertion. "You... worthless... bastard," she wheezed beneath him, eyes stinging with unshed tears. Maybe she did deserve punishment, her soul had been corrupted long ago and she was hardly a good person. But she would not be his 'mistress', not when she had already been claimed by another.


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