look at this trove, treasures untold

Yep, it's totally awesome. <3 And Skollbby is hyper.

381 words

This had to be the greatest discovery in the history of the world! Skoll’s tongue lolled in a happy grin as he stared at the great cracked hull of the pirate ship, trying to imagine just how many wolves tall it was. How long had it been here, he wondered? And where had its crew gone in that time? It was maybe a little too good-looking to be from the time of the humans, with the constant tide pouring into the cave. But none of it really mattered; he had found the greatest treasure in the Kingdom, and he was going to explore!

A voice echoed suddenly through the grotto, and the wolfdog jumped at the sound. He swung around, hackles rising, and half expected to see a pirate ghost rushing at him—but they wouldn’t have emitted such a lost-sounding “hello,” or a squeak. They would have gone ARRR and slashed his fluffy tail off with a scimitar.

Grinning despite his surprise, he quickly trotted in the direction of the sound and heard the rest of the question—followed by an oofff as someone fell. His grin died down a bit as the lupus-formed male rushed toward the pale shape. Gallant as ever, he quickly extended his head so she could use his neck and shoulders for some leverage in standing; he might have pulled her to her feet himself if he was in optime. His tail wagged as he recognized her scent and the almost rainbow hair.

“Miss Orin!” Skoll exclaimed. He’d heard that she was part of the Court, and he’d talked to her brother Niro, but the boy had yet to truly reacquaint himself with the woman from Cercatori d’Arte. He stood back and looked her over, his tail still wagging away over his back. “How are you? How are your puppies? Look at what I found!”

In the span of a moment, his tumbling words redirected from her to the great pirate ship in the back of the dark grotto. He whirled around, splashing through the water and across the moss sure-footedly, heading up almost right against the ship. He was suddenly a little puppy again, a few months old, babbling excitedly at something he’d never seen before—but this! This was like from a storybook!

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