Great Expectations

Current Objective:Observing meeting ---
Form: Lupus----
Mood: Sarcastic/Facepaw---

X’ies wasn’t one to lose his temper. Although he had gotten the jist of what X’y wanted from him. To keep quiet as much as possible. And that annoyed him quite a bit. Although his presence alone seemed to be agitating the pack alpha male to an even greater extent. One had to imagine that Jaden hadn’t been too happy when he heard that X;ies was sticking around, still that provided the grey wolf with enough amusement to content himself at least for the moment. The meeting hashed out certain things, some that he agreed with some that he didn’t. For the most part the grey wolf spoke only when appropriate and tried to use as polite a tongue as he could portraying his ideas and thoughts.

When everything was all said and done he would display interest for the first time in just what X’y had been fiddling about with this entire time. It seemed to be some sort of commemorative token to mark the beginning of the pack. Interesting. He would take his and nod his head to the female before departing. The meeting hadn’t been entirely fruitless, he had gotten to see the other members of the pack. The white wolf, the leprechaun, and had gotten a feel of how they interacted. This would all be very useful in times to come. But for now he would leave and think on the days events as well as how to best proceed concerning the rules that were laid out in today’s foundation meeting. [exit]



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