(M) Reminds me of the second time ...

WC:: 503 -<3<3

Nier smiled at her playful words, her chuckle bringing a smile to his muzzle, "Only if you have no problem with me calling ya Darling. Darling." He rumbled while smiling at his own pathetic little joke. He was pretty sure she didn't mind his term of endearment as she wasn't aiming a fist at his head right now, or even worse, poison laced words as those seemed to be her speciality.

He heard her soft paw pads against the floor as she made her way back to the library after he called out to her. He watched her walk up, her presence enough to distract him from his thoughts on salvaged nails for a moment, but then his mind was blown completely as she cried his name, smiled beautifully and practically threw herself at him. He was thoroughly unprepared for the exuberant hug, but he got used to it quickly; the feeling of her golden furred arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck was amazing. He felt a dumb grin spread across his muzzle as her body settled against his, once again glad for the shorts he always wore, the material containing any potentially embarrassing situations. He gently placed his strong, muscled arms around her waist, returning the hug, his voice a little strained as he tried to keep himself under control, "It's the least I can do." It came out more growly than he expected, but he had managed words at least.

He chuckled at her offer, but had to hide a shudder as her voice blew gently past his ear, her breath stirring the grey fuzz in his brown rimmed ears. "I'm sure Ciaran would appreciate all the help we could get in eradicating his new found dusty enemies. He paused, "But if ya want to avoid his fur getting dusty we're too late. He fell off the windowsill when your library collapsed. He's busy washing right now." He laughed. He thought over her offer, glad to accept it as it meant more time with the Golden beauty.

She pulled away slightly, her arms still resting on his shoulders. From this angle he could look directly into her beautiful, ocean blue eyes, and see all the detail in her captivating irises. His large, calloused hands now rested on her hips and a silence fell between them as he stared into her eyes. It was almost as if one of Loki's helpers had come along and conveniently pole-axed him he was so entranced by her. It was then that his brain kicked in with reserve power and before he knew it he was leaning towards her, his nose bumping hers as his muzzle got closer and closer. This was what he had been dreaming of, this moment alone with her. He couldn't believe that this was really happening, and that he had started it, he then thought that he was thinking too much and he should probably stop and lose himself in the kiss, if she didn't stop him first, and hat thought terrified him.

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