Favorite Weapon
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Regner Vilhelmsen
Check my vitals signs and know i'm still alive
Word Count :: 301Very sorry for the delay on this, will reply quicker in the future.

Regner padded slowly along the trail, his face painted with a mixture of amusement and a slight measure of annoyance as he tracked Adelle, nose twitching every now and then as he changed his course to match her trail. This wasn’t the first time that Adelle had taken his axe out for a test run, nor the first time he had noticed her doing it – he would have to b pretty far gone not to realise that a weapon he always kept with him in Optime form was missing – but it was the first time he had chased her up on it, now she was finally old enough that she might have enough muscle mass to actually use the thing properly.

Sure enough the scent trail eventually led Regner to Adelle who was, just as he had suspected, clumsily swinging the axe around and murdering some poor, innocent trees. Regner lurked downwind in the shadows until Adelle was distracted ad facing away from him and then moved forwards as quickly and as quietly as he could, clearing his throat loudly once he got close to Adelle, hoping to scare his granddaughter.

“So, this is where my axe is.” Regner said, adding a quiet snarl to his words and putting on a fake tone of anger, unable to resist screwing with his granddaughter a bit. He glared at her for a few moments more before chuckling, his wagging tale a subtle sign to her that he had just been joking, “If you wanted to learn how to use it you just have to ask Adelle, it will be yours one day after all.” he admonished gently. ”Give me the axe, I will show you the basics.” he continued, holding one hand out towards her to receive it from her.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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