i found the Reason

http://i36.tinypic.com/11aj2fo.jpg); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; ">
      Asphyxia looked at her daughter, unsure if she should actually teach her daughter. She was afraid that she might use it for something else. At the same time, Garnet seemed to be the only sane child she had, the only one with a little bit of good, enough to see it. Quietly, she beat herself up for even thinking bad things about her other children, favoring the one mirror image of her, in her head. Smiling at Garnet's words, she sighed a little but not enough for notice, “Okay, young grasshopper,” she used the word, going along with her daughters, “However, you must promise that you will not use it against anyone unless you have to.”

      Asphyxia waited, and as she did she had a deep thought. It was weird, but she could make her daughter into a really good fighter, and if she continued in Inferni, there wasn't much that Inferni couldn't have. Especially if everyone knew how to fight well, but then she realized something. She was only going to be able to teach Garnet, and possibly Midnight because truth was, Asphyxia didn't want anyone fighting unless it meant that if they didn't, they would have no more life left.

Table by Tammi!

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