[p] devour to survive

(309) Movin' it forwarrd.

Vesper is by me!

The pretty blonde Salsolian spoke up, lifting her pink nose from the forest floor, but she added no extra information. Vesper felt something akin to frustration, but the emotion flowed quickly away like water off a duck's back. She was antsy as far as finding these strangers was concerned; small things like unnecessary words and slow progress were sure to bother her. But she accepted her apparent role as leader of the little group, walking onward as they all strained their senses for any sign of the enemy.

The pale-eyed wolf spoke up again, giving them a direction as far as which source of water to follow. Ves paused for a second, scarred brow furrowing, then flicked her coal-tipped tail quickly turned away into the undergrowth. Follow me, fast as you can but quiet, she hissed over her shoulder. Her life as a loner ensured that she knew the Dampwoods like the back of her paw, and she remembered drinking from several bodies of water -- from small creaks near a temporary den to large streams like the ones they were looking for. There was one of a few that she thought could support the large group, and if they moved quickly to these possibilities, they had to find them.

The babble of water quickly reached her strained ear, and Vesper slowed her pace at last, quickly glancing behind her to make sure that the scouts were in sight. She perhaps shouldn't have pressed pregnant Zana at such a pace, but she didn't think that it was too unreasonable for the experienced scout -- or so she prayed, not looking forward to being the source of the woman's anger. She swallowed, approaching the stream, still hidden by the undergrowth. It broadened northward, and she gestured in that direction with her nose. The rest would have to be careful slinking.

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