Making up
Word Count :: 388 OOC: He is actually in lupus form trying to hunt lol you pick time of day you think sh'ell come in and the date is when she returns which we can figure out soon Big Grin

Jiva had come back to find that his mate was missing. He had so much to tell her and he learned that she had went to Casa, at first he was angry, wondering why she didn’t go with him when he came back, but heard she went with Tharin a well as Fayne and he calmed down. He had figured he would wait up for her but upon meeting his sister and not seeing her he decided to wait in the pack. He would surprise her with her gift when she got back, hoping she would find him before she found her garden. Because that was where he hid the bird. Mostly because it wasn’t allowed in the den. No animal besides a wolf was allowed in the den. But that was ok, the bird would have room to move around if Jiva built a cage... or tried to. Niro was far better at it but Jiva could not ask the man to come help him because he was laying in bed unable to even walk.

Jiva did not sleep, he was worried for Drin. He hoped she was ok because she was due back but she wasn’t and he hoped beyond all hope that she did not come back in pieces, not after their fight not after what he had done to her, that he now blamed Titania for. He was angry at the woman. He had forgotten she was his alpha and treated her like the cousin she was, nearly the same age though she was older. The prank ahd gone too far and after yelling he did see she truly was sorry, but he wished she didn’t do it. He had anger Drin because of his beliefs that he had to be mates to mate and he had every right to her that night. Now though he was worried pacing near the territories where he hoped the young woman would pass through, but that didn’t last so long for he got hungry and soon had to hunt... and his luck hadn’t changed. He was still searching for both prey and his woman and he was tired on top of that. He worried that she still hated him and that was what was gnawing at him most... that Drin might not love him anymore.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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