
WC=344 3+

He noticed how the female backed off as the male come a little closer to her. He merely stepped back away from here, as he assumed that he was overstepping a boundary or two. He kept the female creatures wishes and merely smiled to acknowledge it. Ok, I understand. As you wish, miss. My name is Pendzez. Pendzez Zazkex. He offered his name in exchange for her's. Even if the Jackal had some possible social problems, giving her name wouldn't be pushing against the social boundary.

He kept to his new distance from the female, as he feared that she would possible lash out or run away and hide. He had the proper knowledge of engaging in conversation with canines like here. She wasn't the first he had encountered that had extreme nervousness and shyness. It was all about keeping the proper tone of voice and length of distance. Hopefully, over time, she would allow the male to come a little closer, and be somewhat more open to him.

He heard her muttering to herself, though it was inaudible to him. It didn't really matter to him what she said in the murmur. What mattered to him was the next question that proceeded from the Jackal's mouth. She asked him if he was a warrior like X'y and Jaden. He pondered on that question for a moment before he was to provide an answer to the curious female. He considered himself a warrior, but it had been sometime since he used the sword to fight and protect his friends and pack. Even though he carried the sheathed blade with him, he left it sheathed. However, every time he looked at it, he saw it become more of a decoration than a tool.

He looked to Sira as he was now to give an answer. Yes, well, I was one. It has been sometime since I last unsheathed my sword. He let out a little sigh as he tried to remember he held his Masamune bare. So, to answer your question, not really, not anymore.

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