[p] there's nothing that the road cannot heal

Ithiel is by Kitty!

The dusky-furred hybrid shook his head firmly at her suggestion. Nothing she'd done was anything less than -- well, Ithiel didn't know exactly what to call it, but he liked all of it well enough. None of what she'd ever done or said was rude, he thought. At the mention of an incident, the Duplicarius's dark ears swept forward, and his crimson eyes narrowed just slightly. He remained quiet, wondering how to prompt her to continue without sounding commanding or abrasive; it hadn't come to him yet by the time she spoke again.

Ithiel's muzzle broke out into a scowl when the cinnamon-furred coyote explained the man's excessive friendliness; by the time she got to the touching attempts, a full snarl was set across his features. It disappeared abruptly, however, when she explained the punishment she'd delivered; brief confusion passed over the coyote's face, and he cocked his head to the side, contemplating the scoundrel's contorted, immobilized arms and how long he must have had to wander like that, and how shamed he must have been when he was found.

His mind dwelt on it a moment, and he spoke, albeit still with a hint of uncertainty. A fitting punishment for scum. With strange impulsivity that was not his custom -- it surprised even him -- he reached out and touched her shoulder, brushing his hand down her upper arm with concern. He looked over her with sharp crimson eyes, as if trying to discern any bruises or marks this wolf -- he was sure it was wolf -- had left on her body. You're alright? he asked, his voice more even this time. His mind kept returning to the wandering scoundrel, bound and certainly shamed to submission.

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