[M] ten million fireflies

WC:: 308 OOC:: Owl City - Fireflies lyrics

The moment felt magical with Jiva’s arms wrapped around her and the meadow beaming with life as teams of fireflies emerged from the woodlands, tall grasses, and flowers. The satisfied grin on Palaydrian’s face widened. This was such an amazing night already, the bugs already a second surprise to the dinner he had prepared. Her heart thrummed within her breast, each beat urging her to turn back to look at him and show him rather than tell him how much she loved him. The early evening air was balmy as the crickets came out to serenade the firefly dancers, but soon Drin’s mate was lifting her up and she was standing on her stockinged feet.

Surprise washed across her face as she was turned to face him and his words registered in her ears. Oh is that so? She teased, allowing herself to be taken into his arms and falling into their musicless dance within the flowers and flashing firebugs. The woman was suddenly inspired and began to sing a song she had heard when she was little, smiling at Jiva all the while and not feeling the slightest embarrassed to share this secret with him.

You would not believe your eyes/If ten million fireflies/Lit up the world as I fell asleep/Cause they’d fill the open air/And leave teardrops everywhere/You’d think me rude/But I would just stand and stare/Cause I’d get a thousand hugs/From ten thousand lightning bugs/As they tried to teach me how to dance... Her song rang out pure and angelic across the open meadow. Jiva was the first she had sung in front of since she had left her old pack, but she continued with bravery allowing her steps to glide across the grass with his.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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