
Current Objective: interrogation ---
Form: Lupus----
Mood: Curious/Intimidating--


So, X’y had helped this creature and was now looking after it. His mind drifted to the meeting and the ones he had already met. Jaden, the leprechaun. The White Wolf, and now this apparently psychologically damaged Jackal. He had no idea just what his childhood friend was playing at, again perhaps it was simply the years of baring no puppies finally coming into play. Still, something could be salvaged out of this one at least if the game was played right. He would let her back off, let her make herself appear small, appear weak. ” She cowers to make herself seem like less of a threat….doesn’t she know that only makes things worse?”. X’ies liked to think he was an expert on social camouflage, the trick was to remain unnoticed to blend in and seem as if you were just part of the background. Her cowering, was making her more obvious, drawing attention. ” You will help? will you help?...all you seem to be good for is cowering in the dark….”. He stalked towards her, closer and closer.

”…I tell you what….I’m feeling…generous today…I’ll let you keep your fur…Doesn’t look healthy enough at the moment to skin…hardly worth the time...”

X’ies would chortle in a joking fashion, and to at least attempt a show of good faith he would lay down, head rested on his paws. Eyes still watching every movement she made. ” My name is X’ies, X’yrin has accepted you, so I must fall in line, but I ask that you at least give me a reason to understand the judgment of bringing you here….”. His head tilted to the side, curiosity extending out to her. ” Tell me stranger….what do you do well?”. At this point in time X'ies was considering just what use this girl would be having in the packs future bar " baby maker", even then her role would be somewhat limited due to what he could see in her genetic disposition. Certainly wasn't one that X'ies would consider mating with. As for what he could teach her in his expanded role as the local asshat/ diplomat, well. Teaching her how to hide seemed the only honest skill that she would benefit from, but...he kept his opinion least until she spoke.
Word Count:383


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