Letting myself look the other way

I sorry for the wait, miss Kitty. <33 Going camping after tonight, but I'm gonna get the other thread up before then so look out for it!

Levent was ecstatic to be back on solid ground; he’d made quite a fool of himself licking and rolling around on the grass when they first reached the coast. The expression on his friend’s face had been priceless enough for him to ignore any other stares he might have received, however, and he’d said many a prayer to Allah (Yahweh, Jehovah, Tanrı, all the names he knew). He repeated his passionate praise each time he went on the rowboat and came back with more livestock and goods, until at last the only duty remaining to him was to help set up camp and organize the supplies.

So far, everything had been going perfectly. Lone and pack luperci alike came to see what the d’Artisan traders had to offer, and already they’d bartered off some of their goods. A few nights passed without incident, Levent sleeping curled up with Wilson and the kittens, and it looked like the next few nights until their departure would be just as great. He was fully optimistic, despite the apprehension he should have felt for the return voyage.

Presently, the Turkish wolf sat on one of the crates of goods, his book in his lap. His blizzard blue eyes scanned the eleventh sura again, his fascination for the great deluge in all books of his God rekindled after his own brush with the ocean. Kittens played around his feet, chewing on his cream toes when they weren’t pouncing on Wilson’s white tail—although the adult cat had made it clear he wouldn’t tolerate their rambunctiousness for much longer.

The man grinned and reached down to grab one of the kittens, licking its face until it was damp then tossing it up on his shoulder. The animal responded by confiding in him about Wilson’s bad attitude, which the wolf agreed with in a few theater-whispered mews; the tom shot him a dark look, his whiskers trembling with the strain not to smile.

Shutting the tattered book, he set it down on the crate and stood, just barely remembering to set the kitten down before he stretched his arms. He happened to glance up then, ignoring the bustle of camp behind him as his fellows prepared for trips or haggled with customers—and, none too surprisingly, noticed a shape in the distance that had to be yet another.

Levent Kartal grinned boldly, straightening with a flourish and striding confidently toward the woman in the distance. His face and posture left no room for suspicion that he had anything but friendly intentions, and he hallooed the other gleefully. “Come to trade?” he asked, his eyes falling to the pair of pheasants at her feet.

He forgot all about the kittens he’d been babysitting, until Wilson yowled behind him with the batch clambering on his back and biting his ears.

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