Hand to Hand Basics

WC:: 386 ::Wing it haha?

The silver fae surprised Palaydrian as she thought her sister would surely prefer being on four legs than two, but she was happy to begin training in general and Adelle seemed eager to show the two what she knew. The sudden optimism and raring-to-go enthusiasm exuding from Fayne was infectious, Drin was pumped up as well. She wasn’t sure how the training would go, or even if she’d be coordinated enough to do anything with her arms let alone flail about, but she was willing to give hand to hand fighting a shot even if she looked a complete fool. She had to take something from the knights of Casa, the woman wasn’t willing to go home empty handed, but even more so, not willing to allow someone to take advantage of her once again and she wished the same strength upon her packmate. Whatever happened from here on out, Drin would have the tools and discipline to defend herself. Failure wasn’t an option.

As the golden girl put on a warrior’s mentality, she fell in line behind Adelle and followed the woman towards the sparring ring. She had no business in fighting but enough was enough. Always one to avoid confrontation, Drin was dead set on learning how to defend herself. She’d not go out looking for a fight, but trouble always had a weird way of finding her and she wanted to be prepared. This would better her future with Jiva, for her future children, and for her pack in general. The more the two New Dawn women knew, the better, and Drin knew this would take some of the anxiety off of Zalen’s shoulders. Even their mates could rest a little easier, as it was simply foolish to think they could always be around to protect their women.

As the trio approached the entrance of the ring, Drin’s jaw began to drop. Never had she seen such a structure or so many canines wielding weapons shiny things and wearing clothes. This obviously was a integral part of life in Casa di Cavalieri as the ring was full of sparring partners. This is amazing, she muttered once she found her voice filled with awe and fear at the same time. What were they getting themselves into?

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