[M] - Many Hearts, One Mind

Current Objective: Be a Heartless Bastard ---
Form: Seculi----
Mood: Observant---

It was interesting that he had been invited along to this hunt even though the majority of the pack were under the pretense that the grey wolf was crippled. Though in light of this, and perhaps his own personal skill he was placed in the position of “ observer”. Out of the pack X’ies mental skill and ability to read a target and plan ahead. Were unrivalled, so he was relatively pleased with this outcome, not so much however with taking the form required by X’y for the hunt, but such things happened. He would keep up at about the same pace as Jaden maintaining the guise of his limp, which might cause some question to X’y who was at this point the only one in the pack aware that this was a total fake. X’ies would break off from the pack and follow Jaden, the first strike would be critical to the entire hunt. And as the Obsidian male readied his weapon, X’ies would examine the quarry.

They were large, strong. The movements of the parent indicated to him that they were well aware of this. Proud, confident creatures…the children…hm. Not so much. To him it seemed that if the parent panicked, the calves would scatter meaning a less successful kill.But…, his eyes turned to Jaden and he whispered slowly. ”…Wound one of the children…take it in the leg, non-fatal wound….just enough to make sure it can’t stand again….if possible during the panic, follow up again on the other….if you take the large one….the smaller ones will scatter and cause us more difficulty….wound the smaller ones….the larger one will stay to defend them….”. Cruel eyes, cruel voice. Pitiless, but effective. A manipulation of the creatures own survival instincts. In most creatures the survival of the next generation trumped personal interest. And whilst X’ies had no way of understanding how that felt, he knew perfectly well that it was a weakness that could be manipulated.

Once these words were complete he would return to the rest of the group, first approaching SIra. ”…When the panic ensues…and Jaden signals…Sira should move first…don’t attack though…you are smaller than everyone else….make it seem as if you mean to attack, get close enough to draw its attention, then….”. He looked to X’yrin. “….You move in and take it by the neck…after that….systematic conversion on all three targets…”. Whilst Sira had originally been allocated the role of the person hunting the smaller prey, by X’ies indication to Jaden if he disabled them and manipulated the Moose’s parental instinct, then her role became invalid, so he posed the nervous Jackal another one….one that seemed to whisper. “ Prove you aren’t worthless”.



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