[M] a heart divided
http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5369/jazpertable2.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


The moonlight clung to Jazper’s dark fur, revealing his outline as it settled into his anthro form. He rarely ever was without clothing in front of others, though he didn’t think much about it. He had been raised for most of his puppyhood by unshifting wolves and it wasn’t until Deuce and Lucifer that he had been introduced to the world of clothing. Now that he was older he understood that others who were more civilized and took to a more human life might take an unclothed luperci as a sign of sexual desire. However many still traveled unclothed and it was not like Jazper to think of others in that manner. Though he was still a male and had his moments.

Golden eyes watched the creme tail wrap around her torso as she spoke. Being a male of experience around females the Knight rolled his eyes, unconvinced. He had always been a bit of a ladies man in his youth and had many older female friends that enjoyed his company along with daughters of his own. Although many a young male struggled to understand females, and the warrior was not without confusion on the other gender, Jazper knew well enough that when a lady said nothing was wrong there were many things wrong.

Looking up at the stars from his back the Sole gave her a moment of silence before pulling his upper body into a sitting position. “Really now?” He asked again, a large arm wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her in tightly. Squeezing her gently to a point that would be just slightly uncomfortable he pulled her against his side with a wild grin leaving no doubt he was up to no good. “Ya know Skye it aint no good to no one if you keep everything bottled up. I thought females loved to chatter on about their feelings. Come on now, why don’t you give ol’ Jaz a piece of your mind hm?” He chuckled as he made sure the little women wouldn’t be able to escape his hold forcing her to talk.


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