Aethusa started to pick the leaves and twigs from her arm fur. A startled expression came to her face as she picked off a tick and squished it. She rubbed the spot from where the tick was eating her. She stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Do you think there was any fleas in there?" Her eyes got wide. Oh crap, I hate fleas, they take forever to get rid of. She thought she had had fleas many times before but they were ridiculously annoying. She suddenly picked a splinter from one her her palms. "Ouch!" She yelped, she usually acted tough if she was around other wolves, but strangely she was being her own self. Her ear twitched and she realized how wimpy that was. She grabbed her tail and started to pick out the thorns and twigs. She would need a brush if she wanted to get her tail fur to not be so matted. Her shirt and pants would need to be sowed up as well, and it looked as if some of the males around here need their apparel to be patched up. She was guessing she was going to be the mother around here if these wolves accepted her.

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