Making up
Word Count :: 480 OOC: Meandering sounds like such a good idea! lets just wander the wildlife talking about flowers and long walks on the beach... Wink

Jiva never thought about giving Drin better things than she gave him because she gave him the best gift of all... just being his mate, that’s all he ever wanted. He smiled as she interacted with the bird and looked around to place his knives for they were still in his hand, and he was sure he didn’t want to be holding them while they were busy. Jiva found a couple long leaves just outside the vacinity of the garden and picking then he moved to the tree that the harrier picked smiling as Drin helped her up onto the lowest branch. He found a notch at the bottom of the tree, a perfect place to hide them for now until he can come back for them.

“She is making a fast recovery, it is good.”

He said proudly, sure that the bird would have died without his care, and he looked over to his mate smiling. Nodding at her.

“Lets go for a walk. I’m sure we have much to say. Like how I found my aunt Orin pinned to the wall by a cow.”

He teased. Yes as much as he wanted to do things, very naughty things with her at the time it felt right but that passed and he wanted to converse with the woman and make the right time happen again. Though thinking about his aunt stuck to the side of the stables was rather hilarious in his mind and the cow was so stupid. Jiva just didn’t know why they didn’t eat it, but he would never say something like that to his aunt she would probably box his ears more than a few times just for mentioning it.

He took her hand and led her out of the garden with all intentions he was going to have her back all in one piece. Everything must be perfect... he thought. He could never recreate the firefly night, not without bitter memories, but he was always full of different and exotic ideas, ones he got from books, others he got naturally and as he was still a first timer at anything romantic, he was doing a good job about it... though he wished he had picked the right times because he knew he had quite a few opportunities to take advantage of the woman. Including the day he had met her, but he didn’t, mostly out of respect than anything else. How could anyone respect him for taking such an advantage. He wondered if she would still love him if he let himself slip and lay with her any of those times. But now he would remain quiet and just smile and feel the warmth of her hand in his, her pads touching his, and know that he belonged to her and no one else.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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