Learning new tricks
[html] Oh poor Oak, no idea about what's going to happen next

The cinnamon girl watched cooly as Oak circled her side and threw a punch. Where was he aiming? Her practiced, sea green gaze detected an intentional miss as she barely moved her face to avoid the already wide jab. The russet male recoiled his punch so quickly it became even more obvious he hadn't wanted to really hit her. Her brief dodging movement sent her mahogany mane swaying as she floated forward on her toe pads moving to make her own strike.

The edge of her mouth tightened with a bit of a frustrated clench in her jaw. Had she not just told him not to hold back? Wasn't she supposed to be his teacher? Oh well, she would just have to teach by example then. She would be unable to see his fighting style if he kept pulling his punches. Her frustration faded into a mischievous smirk. The huntress would aim high to either shock Oak into fighting with a hit or by forcing him to dodge. Either way she knew his self preservation instincts would kick in and he would have to respond in kind. Angering him was not her goal, so she hoped her actions would not bring him to that.

Her plan of action decided, the Calidus girl closed the small distance between them with a short step. In a practiced motion her right fist slapped into the palm of her left hand, arms raised and hips twisted sending her forearm flying towards Oak's head, aiming to strike him with the area just ahead of her elbow. She had not gone full strength, but she knew that even half strength elbow strikes were enough to make an opponent's ears ring. She would know, it happened to her a couple times when the soldiers got tired of her dodging their punches. The shock of her opponents moving in close would leave her wide open to get clocked in the side of the head with an elbow. She'd only fallen for it a few times, but it had only taken once to learn how much it hurt. Deep down, she hoped Oak would somehow dodge the strike.[/html]

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