Aethusa smirked. She really didn't want to be pampered or anything. She liked to be the tough experienced one. "I can walk as far as you'd like, but I suggest we get there fast because this storm will start soon." Suddenly the wind started to pick up. Aethusa looked up to the sky. She knew those clouds, she knew what the low clouds meant. The humid air and the strong winds. She grabbed her dagger and quickly used it to climb up into a tree. She sniffed the air, then she saw what was in the distance. A funnel cloud. "Yeah, you guys I think you might want to climb a tree and see what's so dangerous!" She yelled down to them. Aethusa's hackles rose as the wind blew fiercer. She climbed down. With her paws back on the ground she got in a position to run quickly.

Aethusa's whiskers twitched, by the way the she-wolf was acting you could tell this was her being serious, she didn't want the others to get hurt. "Lance, what direction is the cave?" She barked still keeping her eyes on the funnel cloud that was slowly climbing to the ground. Her heart was racing with fear, you could she it in her eyes that she had a phobia about tornadoes and she had a good reason to be afraid of them. Her muscles tensed, her eyes narrowed, her tail flicking, hackles rose. She growled as the funnel's tip was invisible behind the tree tops. "We need to go." She turned to the others, "NOW!" She jumped in-front of Toby who was trying to be the lead dog. She was a very fast runner. Her paws barely hitting the ground. Her main priority right now was to get them to safety. She stopped running and got back on her hind legs and peered around. All she could see were tree tops after tree tops. WHERE IS THAT CAVE?!

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