[M] Let's Watch the flowers Bloom

Out of character

Word Count → 000

His ears swiveled back, but he smelled her long before she was heard. That scent filling his nose, and his instincts forced him to take a lung full of the perfume that struck many females within the past six months. His spine tingled and it wasn't often he came among the scent, let alone a scent that didn't have a hint of male within it. He closed his eyes hard as he drew in a mediated breath within his muzzle, avoiding is nose. He needed to calm himself as the sound of the female voice filled his ears. The went back slightly as he opened his eyes trying to mask the power she had over him. He turned his head to look at the source of such an intoxicating scent. "Hey, there, miss.." He said politely, but his deep voice had a hint of lust within it. He coughed a little tossing a piece of jerky in his muzzle. Her scent said it all, she was aware she was in heat, no need to point it out and judging by her looks she wasn't exactly a yearling. She had probably been in heat before, so she knew how this game went. As for Aro, this was his second year on this earth, and he wasn't a novice in these situations, but he wasn't experienced.

His eyes glanced to the setting sun, and decided he needed to be more polite. Blue eyes looked over to her, "Would you like to watch the flowers come to life?" He flashed his usual charming smile to her. He then patted the spot next to him with more confidence than he felt. He wasn't sure he could handle her that close, but he would try. He had the will of a saint, but he couldn't guarantee it's stamina.

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