OOC:I think that I'm doing a good job posting since this is from an Ipad. Also, keep in mind that the wind is getting stronger and louder the more time passes. (You know that, right?)

Lukos couldn't help but snort when Toby nicknamed Aethusa 'Thusa.' He let Toby slide with his remark, even though Aethusa orginally came up with finding shelter. He gave a false grin to Toby, knowing that something will eventually go down between them. "How soon do you think?" he said sarcastically as the wind picked up. He watched as Aethusa climbed up the tree with her knife, as she was obviously a better climber. "I'm going to stay down here, thank you. Trees and me don't get along very well." He shouted back as the wind grew faster. "What is it?" he said to her as she tensed up.

" Lance!" he barely shouted over the wind. "Where's the cave?! We need to go-Aethusa!" he shouted as the she-wolf ran ahead of the group. "Lance lets go!" he shouted in his ear. He half ran half jogged to Toby and shouted in his ear, "Alright mutt, show us the way!" He checked his gear to make sure everything was secure, and then he ran off in the direction of Aethusa. Their's going to be four less canines in the Dampwoods if we don't get a move on! he thought franticaly, waiting for Lance and Toby to show the way.

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