Watch the bend of my wandering
he's just a cranky little boy.
wordcount ► 443

Already they were off to a beautiful start. Strel could barely contain his smirk, though he was definitely hitting himself a bit for starting something already. He couldn't help it; his mouth had always been the thing that ran off without his say so, and it kept on getting him in trouble now. He was not terribly proud of it, but he was who he was and his mouth had a mind of its own. Regardless, he kept his mouth shut on his mild case of guilt, keeping his lavender eyes on the grey youth. "No, no. I'll stop," he said with a lopsided grin, putting up his hands in defeat.

Ahiga called him old, and laughed in his face. It struck a small chord in him, but he bit back his retort at the foolishness of youth, choosing instead to (probably) infuriate Ahiga further by laughing at his comment. "You really shouldn't worry us, we might just worry ourselves to death. I know I would definitely die, though honestly, what worse can you do to yourself?" He shook his head at the boy, suddenly peering at the shirt that hung on him. It seemed loose, but it could just as easily have been a good shirt he found that happened to fit poorly. But there was no point disguising the loss of body weight, but at least it was less heartbreaking to see. "Have you eaten since I last saw you?" questioned the Dauphin critically, his gaze traveling from the boy's covered belly to his eyes once more. "Come, we can take you to the Hotel and get your horses to the stables. You look like you need food, and I have some meat waiting." He was not quite sure if the boy liked his raw or cooked, though Strel was not so picky. There was no question of whether or not Ahiga was going to be staying in some remote place, not when he had clearly been out of the loop in Casa. No, Strel had to make sure that the boy actually took care of himself, or force him to take care of himself.

"Do you prefer your meat cooked or bloody?" he asked, choosing to begin to lead the boy to the Hotel, knowing that he would follow if he had come out all this way. Surely he would not turn tail and run now, not when it was clear the Dauphin expected Ahiga to follow. It was definitely good to have something important to do, even if it was taking care of his once nephew. Better than sitting and drinking all day.

Photo taken by Fergal of Claddagh. Table style inspired by Kitty.

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