Wolf and Tiger
Word Count :: 277 Sorry about the wait on this Bria.

Ovidiu had been somewhat overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him by Taliesan and the other of Cercatori. Though he could tell that they were wary of him, maybe even fearful of him, they were still kind and welcoming. Ovi had not felt this comfortable and happy in a long time, ever since was with his old family in New York. In the few weeks he had been in the pack, he had nearly gained all the weight back he had lost; it was amazing how much food was available when there was a whole pack providing for everyone.

But despite his content happiness, there was a particular someone that had been on his mind; Dalgina. He had moved into her territory, into her family basically, and he had yet to see her. He had, however, seen her mother and father and siblings wandering about, but had always been too bashful to approach them. But today, with a full belly and a heart full of courage, he went hunting for the dark beauty.

It didn’t take long for him to find her scent; he had nearly memorized the taste of it since had had met her for the first time. He followed it with earnest, and then, in the sky ahead, that bird of her’s, hovering above like a pinpoint in the sky of where she was. Ovidiu sped up, his strong muscles loping him across the ground until he saw her wispy form appear before him. As soon as he saw her though, with her long straight hair, he became immediately shy again slowed. She was so beautiful, how could he even talk to her again?

Photo courtesy of Sumatra-Tiger

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