{J} fell to the top of the clouds

Word Count → 000

oh so much fail ;-;

Jaroslaw's eyes regarded the scrawny coyote's with nothing more than neutral disinterest. But Io happily trotted over. Unlike her mate, who held a mild grimace at the sight of the hybrid child, Io beamed at the small creature. 'Well, he is more than welcome also'. She obviously she knew that her mate would disagree, but she was the ruling one of the pair and she wouldn't give in. After all, she wasn't afraid of the large wolf. As Jacinto regarded Jaroslaw, the bulky grey male nodded at him, answering gruffly, 'Jaroslaw...' He listened patiently to what Jacinto had to say. The submissiveness shown by the weaker male pleased him, but his lips were sealed into a tight expression of passivity. 'Not you fault...' he mumbled, thickly accented. His gaze flickered down to Io. In honesty, he didn't blame either of them. Who couldn't resist Io? And Io was a whore by nature, she could hardly help it.

Io moved forward and met Jac on the floor, lapping at his cheek gently and nuzzling him with her snout. 'I have been fine,' the hybrid said, her own foreign tone matching her mate's, but softer, friendlier. Though it was obvious it had a sharp edge to it, made even sharper by the language different. 'Well, ill. But that was to be expected of course...' And Jaroslaw had been the one to deal with it. Poor man had gotten the worst deal. She smiled at his promise of help, 'First of all, I will need to accept you so...' Io smiled, 'Your skills? And prefered profession?'

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