Wolf and Tiger
Word Count :: 237 OOC.

She was so beautiful, with the sunlight carving out her young, feminine silhouette against the green of the surrounding trees. Ovi nearly went slack-jaw, and his heart started to pound. He felt… weird. Sure he had been looking forward to seeing her again, because she had been so kind to him before, but now, seeing her again, he felt like... he had butterflies in his heart. It was a strange, exhilarating, and nauseating feeling, and for a moment he thought he just might throw up.

Luckily, the bird knocked him out of his comatose state when it swooped down to land on his back. He twisted his tufted head around to look at the bird quizzically; he had been under the impression it didn’t like him very much. But then Dalgina spoke, a simple greeting and he turned back to her with a smile, Hi… ‘Gina… He said softly, his voice coming out much more meek then he had intended. He could feel his skin start to heat up under his fur, I uh… hi… Smooth.

Trying to make up for his complete idiocy, Ovi walked slowly towards her, I’m sorry I haven’t come talk to you yet, but I was healing up a bit with Taliesan. He moved his shoulder blade a little, indicating an injury that could no longer be seen, But I live here now… I’m sure you’ve heard. He smiled then again bashfully.

Photo courtesy of Sumatra-Tiger

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