Now the monster is awake
No, that's all great. I think that's what we wanted to shoot for Big Grin

Pillars of sand.

The two year old had reached the borders of the Shadowed Sun pack faster than she could've hoped. Her panic and anger and adrenaline all fueled her actions. Right now she had only one thought; to get help to Naniko as fast as she possibly could. It didn't take long for Pilot to come and start the run with her back to Twilight Vale. The ebony femme was thankful that the ghostly male didn't waste time to ask questions. He could tell from the way she was that time was of the essence. It wasn't until they were a good ways through the hard run that he asked anything. "Its Naniko. Conri attacked her. I don't know what all he did." The words were spoken between pants, it was all she could get out at the moment. Her pace hadn't slown down a bit since she took off from the mansion. It probably would've been best for her to rest or lag behind on the way back, but she couldn't slow herself down. She needed to be there. She had failed at protecting Nani this morning, she wouldn't leave her now.

Soon they passed into the borders and raced towards the manor. With one last surge of adrenaline the Orion bolted past the white male, rushing into the house and up the stairs to Naniko's room. Emerald eyes still wide with panic, hoping that her friend hadn't gotten worse before she returned with help. She stood there panting, her whole body shaking with fear and exhaustion. "I...I brought him...Nani..." With that her strength gave out and she collapsed to the floor. Her slender form still shaking, pink tongue lolling out of her mouth while she panted and gasped for air.


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