[M] Let's Watch the flowers Bloom
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Italianno);</style>Adriana
Word Count :: 000 || Points: 0 Ooc.

The man seemed to be trying to keep himself calm, which was understandable. At least he wasn’t already trying to take her like a few others had done over the years. His voice did still have a hint of lust in it though. Adriana could control herself well enough but she was still tempted. She wouldn’t do anything unless he initiated it, that’s just how she was.

His eyes glanced over to the sunset before he looked back at her, asking a very unusual question as he patted the ground beside him. She was a little confused when he asked if she wanted to watch the flowers come to life. The one’s around them were clearly already dead but she nodded and moved to sit down beside him. She was surprised he had invited her to sit so close but accepted anyways, making sure they weren’t touching as she sat down. So how are they going to come to life? They are all dead. She figured it didn’t hurt to ask. It was a reasonable enough question in her mind.

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