Familie ist alles
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  • Setting: Late Afternoon
  • Location: Communal Dens
  • Form: Secui

  • It was shameful that a leader had not come to see how the new family was fairing, and sought to right this unintentional wrong with a prompt visit once her tasks for the day were completely. She had passed only briefly by the dens the day before on her way out to hunt, and hadn’t stopped to consider if the family needed help settling in. It was shameful on her part, and immediately she endeavored to make the family feel more comfortable… or at least add little natural comforts to extend the goodwill of the Nomad family they had become a part of.

    In the morning, she collected the freshest blossoms just as they opened to the morning light and found wild greens and fragrant grasses to add to the growing bouquet. A small meal was caught for the young of the family; a plump marten whose agility was weighed by the size of his swollen belly making it a fine and easy catch. Hopefully it would suffice until an appropriate meal was caught for the pack as a whole.

    Her welcome basket was wrapped within a thick elk hide, but was dragged to the family’s abode given her present four-legged form. And with it were the scents of the earth embedded into it, some flecks of grass and summer leaves enriched with the ripeness of the season. And as it was dragged through the dens, the scent of the pack attached itself to the hide as well, asking as a kind reminder of the others that called Sangi’lak home. “Hello…” X’yrin called out kindly around a mouthful of animal hide as she approached the family’s den. Carefully she placed it down by the entrance of the home. “I apologize for not coming to see you sooner. I hope you all are adjusting well…”

    304 words.

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