oh breathe, just breathe


Translations provided on hovering over speech portions

"We have to fix them the way we found them.", she mimicked Colli's words, trying her best to match even the tone and pitch of the woman's voice. "Whenebers a adults says somefin easies, dey weally means it is weally hardfs. So befores, dey was in da gwounds, but now dey outsides, so dey needs bes in da gwounds again wif dere fwowers stickin' ups.", she reasoned slowly to herself, as if it were a mathematical puzzle. She tapped the ground with her paw, realizing that simply shoving it into the dirt as it was wouldn't work. "I digs whores!"(translation, she said the wrong word at the end, and began to quickly pedal her front feet, spewing dirt between her rear legs. In no time at all, what white fur she had was now a darker brown.

"A hummingbirds? 'Course! It a twee dat makes hum swounds wike a bird to twies to be all fashions.", she lied, hoping that Colli wouldn't think her uncool simply because she didn't know what a hummingbird was.

"Yer hearts onwy getws betwer if you nots dink abouts it and does what you needs to does. Wike, dis one time, when mummy n daddy argues, I tears up my toy cauz I upsets dat he not comes to my birfday after he pwomises but he onwy sneawks ober to argues wif mummy n makes her upsets too, so's I tears up da toy daddy gives me once. N den I was weally upset I not has a daddies, so I cwies for a wong time, and ebewytimes I sees da bwoken toy, I cwies mores. One days I wealizes I tireds of being sads about its all da times and I kinda wants to changes, but I not want to puts in efforts cauz it might hurts or be hards, so I makes myself weally, weally bwaves, and I tosses out da toy and burries it. And den I wooks at da dirt piwle wher it burries and I says that I not goings be sads anymores bout it cauz it hurtedededs too muches and now da toy is gone. I know it still happweneds, but it wike I forgiwes myselfs, you knows? It not my faults mummy and daddy argues...", she continued to explain, only pausing for a breath. "Mummies was weally upsets dat I did dat, but I jus ignoreds her because eben know she my mummy, I knew dat I needed dat to feels betters. She was wong about what I needed, onwy I knew wats I needed. Maybe you just needs figures outs whats wou needs wo wo."

"I'm goings to gwows up and has big boobs. Bigger dan yers. But not toos bigs becauwses I won'ts wants wuys wo wooks at dem and says I am pwetties wifout wooks at anyding elses. Oder animals have boowbs, wight? Does fwowers have boobs? Where are dey? Fwowers are anminiminmals wight?", she pondered aloud, taking glances at her chest now and then, with awkward stares at Colli's torso as well.




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