People are strange, when you're a stranger
[html]Voices, that was another difference - Slay hadn't payed too close attention to how the shifted luperci spoke, but there was a difference in the timbre, now that she pointed it out. Since he was no musician, it wasn't something he could really pinpoint, but perhaps it was an extension of range? Mew's song seemed to soar much higher than a wolf's howl. Of course, he had never heard a human sing, so he had no idea if it was directly because of the transformation... It was interesting food for thought, though! Again, he felt that small stirring of ambition in his chest - maybe he should transform, just once, to try it out. Maybe it would feel all wrong, and he could just shift back to normal, never do it again. No harm, no foul. Right? His family would be appalled, but weren't they already? He wasn't exactly conventional, and besides, the whole two-legger thing was making him curious.

Slay hummed along with the guitar, shifting his weight nervously from paw to paw. "Sure, I like singing, but usually when I'm alone! I'll try not to drown you out with my caterwauling." He never learned to read, of course, let alone follow sheet music, but he squinted at the paper all the same, correctly assuming that the little black ovals represented the notes, and that they marched up the page when the melody was rising. "You have a true gift, though, Mew. To be so creative, and beautiful, too..." The arctic wolf winked playfully, but the compliment had been serious. He had never met an actual musician before, and it impressed the hell out of him.


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