
Leland began to wander aimlessly around the room, poking his nose into the stuffed cushions of a couch inquisitively. His ears perked up as Naniko spoke, a name he did not recognize, which was no surprise as he really had only met a few others before meeting Naniko herself. "Conri? He lives here too?" Leland really didn’t care if the male did or not, chances were that he did as she spoke of his old pack. Yet Leland was very much a people person, and as Naniko had mentioned the name, the husky didn’t mind learning who strangers were, even before he met them.

Leland chuckled at the question of where his kind lived. "Nah. The dogs mostly slept outside, dug holes in the snow or huddled up together. If the winter got really bad, then we’d find ourselves a den or a cave. The wolves did like us mostly, some of them had dens they stayed in though.." Leland smiled again, his bushy tail waving behind him. "’Course if a mother was expecting pups, she got the best den of all, and we’d all go hunting for her. The whole clan. What kind of prey lives in these parts? " Leland guessed that the wolves in these areas were much like the wolves in his home, they hunted for their meals of course, but what did they hunt? It mattered to him, as smaller prey was easier for a dog to handle, the wolves had always had the upper hand on hunting large prey.


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